Medical Devices Magyarország KFT

20160411B18_1 (china)

11.04.2023 7:55:18 00010101 : 20160619

Gender: female Age: 50 Weight(kg): 62 Pulse: 60 Resp.rate: 18 Atm.pres: 760,8

LCA: 33,32

RCA: 33,14

LAC: 36,24

RAC: 36,27

ABD: 30,08


Preliminary computer conclusion about diagnosis:
Comprehensive cell mitosis regulation factor is changed. =3,558
It is necessary to get a consultation of a gastroenterologist (Gastroduodenitis should be verified).
Ischemic heart-disease is determined.
Width of the third ventricle of cerebrum.=7,34
Tiffeneau index has reduced till: 79,8 (Test Tiffeneau.)
Comprehensive cell mitosis regulation factor.↓
Myocardial blood flow.↓↓
Skin blood flow.↓
Blood flow of other organs.↑↑
pH of blood.↓
Basal pressure of Oddi’s sphincter↑
CO₂ elimination.↑
(CO₂) venous blood.↓
Test Tiffeneau.↓
Working rate of oxygen consumption.↑
Time of single load.↑↑
Myocardial oxygen consumption.↑
Low risk of atherosclerosis.
Average blood pressure (MAP). norm 60-100) =94,7
Colloid-Osmotic Pressure (COP). ↑

The above medical information is provided as a resource only and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient – physician relationship, and shouldn’t be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. Any health decisions or guidance about specific medical condition are to be made only by Doctors or health care providers. In no circumstance, the device shall replace biochemical laboratory analysis. This device manufacturer expressly disclaims responsibility and shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever suffered as a result of your reliance on the information contained in this report.

Signature of patient__________________

GDPR: I have been briefed on my rights and Privacy Policy based on the REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) regarding the processing and movement of the personal data, which are used for the purposes of non-invasive hemogram screening, provided by the software USPIH. I am aware of and agree with the condition that the data containing in the database of the software USPIH will not be disclosed and/or forwarded to unauthorised third parties except the following: a) to a personal data processor (a professional, who is responsible for carrying out an examination on site); b) to the respective/authorised staff of the manufacturer, whose duties includes elimination of bugs in the software USPIH, software update or other assistance related to the software USPIH on the request of the personal data processor; c) to governments, control agencies, regulatory authorities and others as permitted or required by law. I am aware of an ability to withdraw my consent at any time submitting a written statement in the place, where the service was provided. Thereof, I realise that my personal data will be deleted irrevocably and without a possibility of further applying, referring and analysing of such a data.

Signature of patient__________________

The following parameters were simultaneously captured to issue the above preliminary report.

No.: Parameter: Norm: < >
1 2 Erythrocytes RBC. x10¹²/l 3,4 - 5 4,18
2 1 Hemoglobin HGB. g/l 120 - 160 125,39
3 88 Hematocrit.HCT % 35 - 49 37,72
4 12 Thrombocytes. x10⁹/l 150 - 400 236,24
5 4 Leukocytes WBC. x10⁹/l 3,2 - 10,2 4,50
6 3 Lymphocytes. LYMPH % 19 - 37 37,93
7 8 Monocytes.MONO % 3 - 8 5,51
8 42 Glucose. mmol/l 3,9 - 6,2 4,30
9 35 Cholesterol total. mmol/l 3,11 - 6,48 5,55
10 38 Low-density lipoproteins (LDL). mmol/l 1,81 - 4,9 3,16
11 40 High-density lipoproteins (HDL). mmol/l 0,85 - 2,28 1,32
12 41 Triglycerides (TG). mmol/l 0,55 - 1,85 1,68
13 25 ALT. U/l 5 - 30 12,87
14 24 AST. U/l 8 - 40 14,57
15 27 Bilirubin, Total. μmol/l 8,6 - 20,5 11,16
16 31 Creatinine. μmol/l 55 - 123 49,43
17 34 Urea. mmol/l 2,1 - 8,2 5,08
18 1 Hemoglobin HGB. g/l 120 - 160 125,39
19 2 Erythrocytes RBC. x10¹²/l 3,4 - 5 4,18
20 4 Leukocytes WBC. x10⁹/l 3,2 - 10,2 4,50
21 120 Mean cell haemoglobin (MCH). pg 26 - 32 30
22 121 Mean cell volume (MCV). fl 81 - 94 90
23 122 Mean cell haemoglobin concentration (MCHC). g/l 310 - 350 332
24 123 CPB (Color index of blood). 0,85 - 1,15 0,90
25 3 Lymphocytes. LYMPH % 19 - 37 37,93
26 5 Segmented neutrophiles. NEUT % 45 - 68 50,42
27 7 Eosinophils. % 1 - 5 3,07
28 8 Monocytes.MONO % 3 - 8 5,51
29 9 Band neutrophiles. NEUT % 1 - 6 3,07
30 6 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate ESR. mm/h 2 - 20 11,99
Blood coagulation:
31 10 Beginning of clotting (method of Lee-White). min 0,5 - 2 02`46``
32 11 End of clotting (method of Lee-White). min 3 - 5 03`38``
33 12 Thrombocytes. x10⁹/l 150 - 400 236,24
34 86 Fibrinogen. g/l 2 - 4 1,83
35 87 Prothrombin index (PI). % 75 - 104 75,59
36 88 Hematocrit.HCT % 35 - 49 37,72
Electrolyte metabolism:
37 13 Calcium (Ca). mmol/l 1,99 - 3,2 2,54
38 14 Magnesium (Mg). mmol/l 0,84 - 1,17 0,91
39 15 Potassium (K). mmol/l 3,34 - 4,96 3,82
40 16 Sodium (Na). mmol/l 136 - 145 141,95
41 128 Chloride (Cl). mmol/l 98 - 107 106,4
Functional parameters of stomach:
42 17 pH of gastric juice. 1,2 - 1,7 1,37
43 19 SH. 7,32 - 7,4 6,60
44 20 Basal pressure of Oddi’s sphincter mm Hg 39 - 41 42,86
Carbohydrate metabolism:
45 33 Lactic acid. mmol/l 0,5 - 2,22 1,97
46 42 Glucose. mmol/l 3,9 - 6,2 4,30
47 43 Glycogen. mg% 11,7 - 20,6 14,85
Liver function tests:
48 22 Aspartate transaminase (AST). mmol/l 0,1 - 0,45 0,36
49 23 Alanine transaminase (ALT). mmol/l 0,1 - 0,68 0,22
50 26 De Ritis ratio (AST/ALT). 0,8 - 1,2 1,64
51 27 Bilirubin, Total. μmol/l 8,6 - 20,5 11,16
52 28 Bilirubin, Direct. μmol/l 1 - 6 2,49
53 29 Bilirubin, Indirect. μmol/l 1,7 - 10,2 8,68
54 130 Alkaline phosphatase (ALP). μkat/L 0,5 - 2,4 1,54
Protein metabolism:
55 30 Protein, Total. g/l 60 - 85 77,73
56 133 Serum albumin (ALB). g/l 34 - 45 46,4
57 134 Serum globulin (GLB). g/l 20 - 45 31,4
58 138 Colloid-Osmotic Pressure (COP). ----- 29,9
59 31 Creatinine. μmol/l 55 - 123 49,43
60 32 Dopamine β-hydroxylase (DBH). nmol/ml/min 28 - 32,5 29,45
61 34 Urea. mmol/l 2,1 - 8,2 5,08
62 126 Transferrin. mg/dl 204 - 380 181,19
Lipid metabolism:
63 41 Triglycerides (TG). mmol/l 0,55 - 1,85 1,68
64 38 Low-density lipoproteins (LDL). mmol/l 1,81 - 4,9 3,16
65 39 Very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL). mmol/l 0,2 - 0,52 0,41
66 40 High-density lipoproteins (HDL). mmol/l 0,85 - 2,28 1,32
67 35 Cholesterol total. mmol/l 3,11 - 6,48 5,55
68 36 β- lipoprotein. g/l 17 - 55 42,34
69 37 β- lipoprotein. mmol/l 3 - 6 3,84
70 132 Atherogenic Coefficient (AC). 0,71 - 5,36 3,21
71 135 Atherogenic index of plasma (AIP). ----- 0,105
Water metabolism:
72 45 Cellular water. % 39 - 42 39,15
73 46 Total water. % 50 - 70 64,44
74 44 Extracellular water. % 21 - 23 23,13
75 47 Testosterone. μmol/24hours 2,77 - 10,4 6,52
76 48 Estrogen, Total . nmol/24hours 78,98 - 376,95 102,78
77 49 Thyroxine (T4),Total. nmol/l 71 - 142 80,2
78 50 Amylase (W.Т.Caraway). g/l*h 12 - 32 15,43
79 51 Acetylcholine. μg/ml 81,1 - 92,1 71,02
80 52 Acetylcholinesterase of erythrocytes. μmol/l 220 - 278 254,35
81 54 Tyrosine. mg*%[Zbarskiy B. I., 1972] 1,4 - 1,8 1,46
82 55 Creatine kinase MM (CK-MM). μmol/min/kg 473 - 483 477,21
83 56 Creatine kinase MB (CK-MB). μmol/min/kg 35,1 - 38,1 36,74
Cell mitosis regulation:
84 57 Comprehensive cell mitosis regulation factor. 3,7828 - 3,9372 3,5583
Internal blood flow, in % to total blood flow:
85 64 Myocardial blood flow. % 4,32 - 5,02 3,79
86 65 Muscular blood flow. % 14,56 - 16,93 15,12
87 66 Cerebral blood flow. % 12,82 - 14,9 13,87
88 67 Hepatoportal blood flow. % 20,28 - 29,86 23,54
89 68 Nephritic blood flow. % 21,58 - 25,09 24,53
90 69 Skin blood flow. % 7,9 - 9,19 7,48
91 70 Blood flow of other organs. % 5,76 - 6,7 7,51
Internal blood flow, in ml/min:
92 71 Myocardial blood flow. ml/min 250 - 290,5 219,11
93 72 Muscular blood flow. ml/min 930 - 1081,4 965,50
94 73 Cerebral blood flow. ml/min 750 - 871,68 811,11
95 74 Hepatoportal blood flow. ml/min 1690 - 2488,33 1 961,43
96 75 Nephritic blood flow. ml/min 1430 - 1662,6 1 625,73
97 76 Skin blood flow. ml/min 500 - 581,65 473,47
98 77 Blood flow of other organs. ml/min 375 - 436,19 488,75
Cerebral hemodynamics:
99 82 Cerebral blood flow on 100g of tissue. ml/100g 50 - 55 51,96
100 83 Blood flow per 1gr of thyroid gland. ml/g 3,7 - 4,3 3,97
101 84 Blood flow per 1gr of cerebral tissue. ml/g 2,9 - 3,2 3,06
102 85 Cerebral spinal fluid pressure (CSF). mm H₂O 90 - 145 120,70
103 116 Width of the third ventricle of cerebrum. mm 4 - 6 7,34
Functional parameters of cardio-respiratory system:
104 78 Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR). dyn/cm5*sec 100 - 200 145,30
105 79 Central venous pressure. mm H₂O 70 - 150 66,19
106 80 Time of pulmonary circulation. s 16 - 23 19,32
107 81 Time of systemic circulation. s 4 - 5,5 4,58
108 21 Energy Expenditure. kkal/kg/min 0,123 - 0,43 0,499
109 61 Oxygenation velocity of RBC. ml/min 260 - 280 261,31
110 62 Surface of gaseous exchange of RBC. m² 3500 - 4300 3 250,1
111 63 Deficit of circulatory blood. ml/kg 0 - 250 39,25
112 89 Vital capacity of lungs (VC). cm³. 2500 - 4300 2 760,7
113 90 Minute ventilation (VE) l/min 4 - 12 7,97
114 91 Functional residual capacity (FRC) cm³ ----- 1 480,8
115 92 Peak expiratory flow (PEF). l/min 74 - 116 78,86
116 93 Test Tiffeneau. % 86 - 109 79,76
117 94 Working rate of oxygen consumption. % 45 - 60 65,05
118 95 Time of single load. min 3 - 10 16,58
119 96 Respiratory exchange ratio (RER). 0,8 - 1,2 0,80
Oxygen transport and consumption:
120 18 pH of blood. 7,36 - 7,45 7,35
121 59 Volume of circulatory blood. ml/kg 65 - 69 65,59
122 60 Cardiac output (CO). l/min 3,5 - 4,3 3,99
123 97 Transportation of oxygen(O₂). ml/min 900 - 1200 1 073,4
124 98 Quantity of assimilated oxygen on 100 gr. of cerebral tissue. ml 2,8 - 3,4 3,03
125 99 Oxygen saturation in arterial blood (SaO₂). % 95 - 98 96,28
126 100 Oxygen consumption per kg of body weight. ml/min/kg 4 - 6 4,35
127 101 O₂ consumption.(VO₂) ml/min 200 - 250 247,13
128 102 Myocardial oxygen consumption. ml/min 7 - 10 10,44
129 103 Oxygen extraction index. 0,26 - 0,34 0,3
Transport and elimination of CO₂:
130 104 CO₂ elimination. ml/min 119 - 300 303,35
131 105 (CO₂) in arterial blood. % 32,5 - 46,6 38,42
132 106 (CO₂) venous blood. % 51 - 53 49,99
133 107 Rate of CO₂ production. ml/min 150 - 340 258,93
Functional parameters of cardio-vascular system:
134 108 Vascular Permeability Index. 4,165 - 4,335 3,916
135 109 Stroke volume (SV). ml 60 - 80 58,81
136 110 Interval PR. sec 0,12 - 0,2 0,148
137 111 Interval QT. sec 0,355 - 0,4 0,378
138 112 Interval QRS. sec 0,065 - 0,1 0,089
139 113 Left ventricular Stroke Work Index. % 52 - 60 55,19
140 114 Systolic arterial pressure. mm Hg ----- 125,11
141 115 Diastolic arterial pressure. mm Hg ----- 79,46
142 136 Average blood pressure (MAP). ----- 94,7
143 58 Plasma density. g/l 1048 - 1055 1 046,2
144 117 Cardiac work. Joule 0,692 - 0,788 0,75
145 137 Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) Risk Index. ----- 12,0
146 140 Shock Index (SI). ----- 0,48
147 118 eGFR [MDRD]. ml/min/1.73m² =>60 60,0
148 119 Estimated creatinine clearance rate(eClCr)[Cockroft and Gault]. ml/min 75 - 115 117,9
149 124 Cystatin C (CysC). mg/l 0,6 - 0,96 0,72
150 125 BUN. mg/dl 6 - 23 14
151 127 Urine specific gravity. g/cm³ 1020 - 1030 1 007,6
152 129 Ceruloplasmin (CP). g/l 0,16 - 0,6 0,66
153 131 Intracranial pressure (ICP). mmHg 7 - 15 8,8
154 139 Actual blood supply index (IK). ----- 38,5

USPIH (For all countries excluding EU)