Function of ANESA

Five sensors connected to analyzer measure temperature of patients’ reference points. Sensors should be placed very carefully, exactly as it was shown during training courses. Wrong placing of sensors will cause the wrong results in a report.

It is easy to differentiate by colour the cables for each point (the color of each cable corresponds with the required color for each "reference point").

"Reference points" for placing the sensors

Bifurcation of left artery  - Blue

Bifurcation of right artery – Green

Left armpit (axillaries) - Yellow

Right armpit (axillaries) - Violet

Abdominal area (umbilicus) -  Red


An examination will take 3-10 minutes. The interval depends on a patient, could be control and changed during examination by a doctor.

There is no harmful influence of the Analyzer to a patient during examination; Analyzer determines the influence of environment to a patient’s health.

At the end of an examination a doctor will receive the report with more than 100
parameters which includes parameters of functional and hemodynamic balance, gaseous homeostasis, cardio-vascular system, central autonomic nervous systems, respiratory and enzyme systems, etc. Besides, there will be a prompt for a doctor about diagnosis at the end of a report. It is not a final diagnosis.

Only the doctor can set the final diagnosis!

The doctor studies all the information: received report, patient complaints, any previous results (e.g. laboratory analysis, ultrasonography, tomography, etc.) and preliminary diagnoses from the report. On the base of general analysis, the doctor can set final diagnosis.